The Republic of Ghana is a country is West Africa. After suffering under the British control, Ghana also known as the Gold Coast, was the first Africam country to gained independence in March 4, 1957. Ghana was one of the richest countries in Africa before it was conquest by British in 1896. After World War II things began to change in Gold Coast, discrimination against educated Ghanaians increased and high positions were reserved for whitemen while Ghanaians became slaves. The African rights were been violated by the Europeans. The first political party was formed in August 1947 by Paa Grant, it was named the United Gold Coast Convention {U.G.C.C}. Dr. Kwame Nkrumah became the full-time General Secretary of the party. In January 1948, Nii Kwabena Bonne III, a Ga chief organized a boycott of all European imports. Several boycotts continued, after all the riots the Nationalist Leader in Ghana blamed the Governor, Sir Gerald for all the problems the country was facing. The Secretary State blamed the Nationalist leaders for being responsible for the chaos in Ghana. After this, six of the nationalist leader were arrested, these leaders were known as BIG SIX. These leaders were Dr. J.B Danquah, Dr. Kwame, Obetsebi Lamptey, Akuffo Addo, William Ofori and Ako Adjei.
Kwame Nkrumah left the U.G.C.C and formed a more nationalist party- Convention People's Party {C.P.P} on June 12, 1949. On January 9, 1950 the C.P.P organized a nation wide boycott and strike for workers. January 21st 1950, Kwame and other C.P.P leader were imprisoned for going against the goverment which made Kwame a hero in front of Ghanaians. In 1953, Dr. Kwame made a new proposal for a new constitution. A general election in June 1954 from which the C.P.P won 74 seats out of 104 of the National Assembly. In 1956, another general election was held in response to a pledge by the British Secretary of State, C.P.P won 71 seats out of 104.
This action led to Ghana's Independence in March 6th, 1957. Ghana became the first country in Africa, South of the Sahara to gain independence from colonial power. Dr. Kwame Nkrumah became the Prime Minister and then first President.
Ghana wanted independence because Ghanaians wanted to have more rights and freedom, they also wanted to defit the colonial power of British. This independence movement compares to the history of Sierra Leone because African did anything to obtain freedom.
Deya ♥